Interview with Joan Scott- Author of “The Fantasy of Feminist History”

We are talking with Joan Scott this week about whether or not feminist history is possible.

Global Motherhood and Transnational Whiteness

We discuss Raka Shome’s new article on the ideology of global motherhood (Princess Di, Angelina Jolie, etc.) and how it fixes whiteness at the center of that identity.


Interview with Ian Bogost- Author of “How to do Things With Video Games”

We got a chance to discuss Ian Bogost’s new book which is a media criticism book about video games. We ask whether video games are art, what racial/gendered stereotypes are persistent in video games, and how video games might help…


Interview with Genny Beemyn- Author of “The Lives of Transgender People”

Beemyn and Rankin’s book The Lives of Transgender People is an accounting of their analysis of over 3,000 surveys transgendered people. In the interview, Beemyn discusses how they found so many participants and ways in which they categorized the data.


Transhumanism and the NFL

This week we discuss Diane Marie Keeling’s History of (Future) Progress: Hyper-Masculine Transhumanist Virtuality in Critical Studies in Media Communication. It’s an interesting piece that works through Deleuze and Guattari via the NFL.

Interview with Lauren Berlant-Author of Cruel Optimism

Hot damn do we have a good interview for you all this week. We get a chance to talk with Lauren Berlant about what we are promised, what we get, and why optimism isn’t necessarily good for us. We mean…


Interview with Mari Ruti – Author of “The Summons of Love”

We are chatting with Dr. Mari Ruti about her recent book The Summons of Love. We discuss her unique writing style (for an academic audience, at least), her pschyoanalytic influences and the control that the desire for love has on…

Interview with Jack Halberstam – Author of “The Queer Art of Failure”

We are thrilled about this interview! We chat with Dr. Halberstam about The Queer Art of Failure – a book that is both brilliant and accessible. This is, no joke, one of our most engaging interviews to date! We chat…


Interview with Fred Fejes-Author of “Gay Rights and Moral Panic”

In his latest book, Gay Rights and Moral Panic Fejes offers a glimpse into the lived experiences and media perceptions of gays and lesbians in the 1960s-1970s. (And listen for a special song by Anita Bryant herself!)

Interview with Bill Eadie on the Origins of Communication Studies

Check out Bill Eadie’s “Stories We Tell: Fragmentation and Convergence in Communication Disciplinary History”, in the most recent Review of Communication. He gives us a great primer on the origin stories of speech, journalism and communication. It’s a must listen…