Interview with Jason Del Gandio-Author of “Rhetoric for Radicals”

This week we are interviewing Jason Del Gandio, author of Rhetoric for Radicals: A Handbook for 21st Century Radicals. In this podcast we talk about radical actors, agency, and how rhetoric is a part of contemporary social movements.


Focus on the Family and Citizen Magazine

In this episode we review Richard K. Popp’s recent article in CSMC, “Visual Culture, Public Space, and Piety in Focus on the Family’s Citizen Magazine.” We chat about our own histories with Focus on the Family and Popp’s insightful discourse…


It Cuts Both Ways: Fight Club, Abject Masculinity, and Abject Hegemony

In this episode we review Claire Sisco King’s article “It Cuts Both Ways: Fight Club, Abject Masculinity, and Abject Hegemony” In Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies.